Employment Opportunities

See open position listings below.

Address all inquiries to: jobs@pactt.org

Volunteer Opportunities

PACTT often has unpaid educational internships and volunteer opportunities available.

** COVID-19 restrictions may apply for in-person interns. **

Now Hiring ...


Job Coach. (Rogers Park, River Forest) PACTT Learning Center is seeking a Job Coach/DSP for its Supported Employment Program. This program assists adults with profound & severe autism in finding, learning and succeeding in jobs in the community. A PACTT Job Coach works one-on-one with individuals to build vocational skills, learn job-specific duties and thrive in a community employment setting. The Job Coach accompanies the individuals to their work sites and helps with on the job vocational tasks. In addition, while the participant is not at a job site, the job coach assists in building job specific skills at a workshop. The vocational program works in conjunction with PACTT Learning Center's school and transition programs to ensure the individuals have full lives in the community.


Paraprofessional (Rogers Park). Full-time. PACTT's Special Education Paraprofessionals provide assistance to individuals with autism in a fully integrated educational program in a private, therapeutic day school. Under the supervision of Special Education Teachers, paraprofessionals provide direct support to students in the areas of academics, socialization, communication, independent living, and vocational skills. Duties include goal implementation and documentation in accordance with students' Individualized Education Plans, assistance with curriculum implementation, support for activities of daily living, and community integration. ($18/hour)


House Manager (Oak Park): The House Manager at PACTT provides a wide range of day-to-day operational oversight to the services provided to participants. The House Manager serves as a role model and mentor to assigned staff, demonstrating ongoing efforts to develop employee skills and competencies. Activities include providing direct services, managing medications, management of staff, managing Petty Cash and Participant Trust Fund accounts, and assuring a high quality programming and environment at all times.

Direct Service Professional / DSP (Elmwood Park, Oak Park, Chicago/Rogers Park): PACTT's Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide assistance to individuals with autism in a fully integrated habilitative program in a community residential setting. DSPs provide a supportive and nurturing environment for residents in their home and community. PACTT DSPs implement specialized programs in areas of communication, socialization and behavior management. Other tasks include assisting with and teaching independent living skills, taking participants to various community activities, and enhancing participant’s leisure skills. Work hours require availability on evenings and weekends.