what's new at voc?
Our Voc West adults have been planting fairy gardens - can you spot any visitors?
Voc North has expanded into another larger storefront on Morse. The new space is focused on building independent work and leisure skills. If you’d like to help us furnish our space, check out our wishlist HERE.
Vera and Jason represented PACTT’s voc program at the Options transition fair in Wheaton, Il.

Voc North enjoyed some fun in the sun this week!
After a great morning of work at Haymarket Pub & Brewery, two of PACTT's adult vocational participants enjoyed a picnic lunch at Loyola Park.

PACTT's adults got to meet with their Senator today. Thank you Senator Heather Steans for all you do for people with disabilities and their supporters.
Voc North members enjoyed a visit to Dawes Park in Evanston.
PACTT Voc programs kicked off summer with a BBQ.
Springtime fun!
Voc West explored Aurora's SciTech hands-on museum (scitechmuseum.org/):
Our Voc West center hit the lanes for some pre-holiday fun:
Folks from the Voc North center also enjoyed some pre-holiday bowling:
Trying out our new workout equipment at Voc West:
Our Voc West center got into the holiday spirit last week with crafts, snacks and fun!
Renovations are underway on our new Voc West Center in River Forest! If you'd like to help us with the finishing touches, and purchase something for the new space, please see our Amazon Wishlist (HERE).
The view from our large common area, looking toward one of our classrooms (with windows to peek through from one space to another)
They may not look like much, but these rolls of flooring are made of recycled tires - which means they can withstand all our jumping and bouncing.
The kitchenette, in progress
The view into both classroom spaces
Voc West participants recently enjoyed a trip to the Shedd Aquarium.

Splish, Splash, we're having a blast at the beach!
More outdoor adventures with Voc North, at Emily Oaks Nature Center in Skokie:
Our Voc North adults have been enjoying the unusually warm weather - at Indian Boundary and Maggie Daley parks.
Adventures at the Field Museum!
It's pumpkin-carving time at Voc North!
Voc North - in search of the perfect pumpkin!
Our Voc team leads take a break from the Oak Park / River Forest HS Options fair, to smile for the camera. The Options fair provides students with disabilities a chance to learn more about post-school opportunities - including PACTT's adult program.
Voc North cooked up a sensory dough recipe, with just a few ingredients - and a LOT of stickiness!
Our Voc North spaces are ready for the new year - with a deep clean and fresh coat of paint. Now all we need are our participants!
Voc North enjoyed an excursion to Indian Boundary Park:

Fun at the Zoo!
Voc North takes a break in the school yard ...
PACTT's Voc North program explored the Smart Museum of Art on the campus of University of Chicago:
More Voc North sensory exploration -- this time, with foam dough:
Voc North participants got their hands dirty, making fake snow:
Voc West participants and staff enjoyed their holiday celebration, before they headed off to winter break:
eligibility requirements
The following criteria are considered for participation in PACTT's adult vocational program:
Participant must be 18 years old or older
Have a primary diagnosis of Autism
The ISP team recommends placement into program.
Must be currently working or volunteering in the community or capable of doing so in the near future with a job coach.
Must be able to engage safely in the community with supervision of no more than 2 participants to 1 staff ratio.
Must be able to complete basic self-care w/minimal assistance. (i.e. feeding, toileting)
The participant is able to engage in independent leisure skill for 15-20 minutes.
The participant is able to do some economic self- sufficiency. (i.e. sense that money has some value in exchange for work or goods purchased.) Also willing to carry a wallet.
Not take medication during hours of operation. (Unable to pass medication at program as mandated by Rule 116.)