This month's classroom focus is from our High School classroom, lead by Laura K. Enjoy!
Well I don’t know about you, but here in the high school class we are so happy it’s finally Spring! It’s hard not to want to spend ALL day outside with the sun, but we certainly take advantage when we are out there!
We started to prepare our garden and undo everything that our beloved midwest winter did. Everyone is pitching in to make this the best gardening season yet. We are learning that weeds hurt the plants, but water helps them grow. First step: clear out those pesky weeds!
The high school is also expanding our cooking class to include more exciting, fun and healthy recipes. Everyone is really enjoying the class and looks forward to it each week …including the staff!
The body sock: Yes, there's someone in there!
We got a new sensory tool … a body sock! It might look pretty silly if you have never seen one, but the "body sock" is awesome. It provides a heavy work/deep pressure input that is both calming and regulating. Students are relaxed inside the resistive material as they push against it and the body sock pushes against them.
Our students love to curl up inside this thing … one at a time, of course!
A few students from each class also went to a concert at Stuart G. Ferst again this month, for their last concert of the year. They had a live band from Old Town School of Folk Music, and a great vibe. We have some amazing dancers … boogie down!